Sunday, November 7, 2010

Look forward

I was wondering...
what actually I wanna do?
I mean... It's not now...
I mean my future...

I felt that I love to do so many things... in my future...
sing... as a singer...
dance... as a dancer...
act... as an actress...
design... as a designer...
then?! why am I studying this now?
this is not I really want to do...

There's a reason...
because of my family...
I love my family...
I have to do something I don't really like... for now...
so that I can do something that I love to do... for future...
people might think I'm pityful...
what I'm thinking is... NO, I'M NOT...
It's a challenge...
to get my life beautiful...
to get my family's life beautiful...

I always think back what my mom told me...
look forward...
look that my life is much more beautiful in future...

Just for now...
It's harsh...
only for now...
just take it...
I can see how beautiful my life would be in the future...


  1. yes, should be love ur family . But not in this way. in the end u will realize that ,u are live for them , not for urself. if u not interesting with what u doing now. guarantee . u wont success in the future. because now u re wasting time with what u dun like. then , when the time u feel regret. its too late. Told u , dont ever take ur future as a joke. dont say , u love ur family so u have to follow what they said. If ur family do love u , they will just keep their mouth shut. and support u.

  2. maybe... they dont love me... haha
